Customs Act(Issue 9)Buddhist 2482 By the House of representatives vote decided the Customs Act amendments Buddhist 2469. Chueng with Royal command to act up and hear the instructions. Acceptance of the House of representatives following sling Section 1 of this Act, referred to as "the Act of Customs (vol. 9) Buddhist 2482." Section 2 of this Act to be used from the announcement in the Government Gazette. Article 3, section 11 of the Customs Act And 2469, Buddhist, new trailing spaceSection 2 of the Customs Act Buddhist tourists following 2469 The "real" prices in the local market "or" price "of any it means the wholesale price for cash.(On the part of the incoming charge exemption), which will keep sales of the category and of the same type without loss at the time and that the release of.Or the exporter, but the case without deducting any price change or reduce. The word "exemption" means the value of the tax exemption of the fee or charge up next to liability. Thousands in the customs or the Elimination of class. " Article 4, paragraph 1 a new suffix section 24 of the Customs Act. Buddhist tourists following 2469 "Based on that, if the owner or operator has the right to submit the claim is not a claim within six months from the date that the funds of the anchored.The land ". The new article 5, paragraph to the end of section 25 Customs Act property. Buddhist tourists following 2469 "If it's easy to waste the holder or, if the delay is as slow, vulnerable to damage or expenses will exceed the value of the section, the Director shall, prior to the auction sale by money, and that's when the expense allowances and pharatitphan forests.And then, instead of ". Section 6, in the end, section 27 of the Customs Act regarding Thai Buddhist 2469.Penalty rate and use the following instead. "For a certain time, it is wrong for three times the price of silver, which include the Elimination of up to, but not less than.One hundred and eight thousand baht to no higher or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or to both fine imprisonment. " Article 7, paragraph 1 a new suffix section 102 of the Customs Act, the following Buddhist 2469. "In the event that the Director deemed appropriate to sue someone, or commit a base application to exhibit or to save the story, which is false.หรือเป็นความไม่บริบูรณ์ หรือเป็นความชักพาให้ผิด หลงในรายการใด ๆ หรือฐานหลีกเลี่ยงหรือพยายามหลีกเลี่ยงด้วยประการใดๆ บรรดา การเสียอากรตามจำนวนที่ควรต้องเสีย หรือการจำกัดหรือการห้าม ให้อธิบดีบันทึกความ เห็นว่าเป็นเพราะเหตุใดจึ่งควรฟ้องผู้กระทำผิด”
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