Mani underwater or diamond is a stone serpent lucky source in the Mekong River flows across the northern and northeast of there. A lucky stone with sacred and rare.Called to break the color tone of the serpent King Diamond Blue means of King blue means of royalty, green means of priests. Red means the warrior caste, purple refers to caste nobles, white represents the upper middle class, casteMerchant, yellow, orange or pink. That means of ordinary citizens in general
the diamond field. A stone extra luck light varies according to each color. :
.Blue helps to strengthen the power of great people respect and reverence. Angel treatment dramatically dominate to escape from all the disasters are all a great fortune
.Lucky blue promote communication, negotiation team, people support, strengthen the personality to respect. Trust is a trust of the people and associate with
.Green, help, have mercy. Holy protection of maintenance free from danger, and bad things. Help raise the calm, higher
.Red, strengthen the courage and strong, both body and mind. With wisdom that determined with consciousness firm decided quickly and accurately
purple. Help prevent ghosts, occult, magic, a stone that can ดูดซึ thought bad
.Yellow help lucky money pouring in. The glory adult help, support, success in the work
.White, promote intelligence, wits, calm thinking to solve the problem better not be shaken but no around easy firm
orange. Strengthen the unyielding courage. To help promote the progress in the work
.Lucky pink in mercy. Strengthen the appeal to people to turn to love interest. To have a gentle heart friendly pleasant.
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