
ทำไมต้อง "ออม" เพราะอนาคตเป็นสิ่งที

ทำไมต้อง "ออม" เพราะอนาคตเป็นสิ่งที่ไม่แน่นอน เราไม่สามารถทำนายได้ว่าอะไรจะเกิดขึ้นในวันข้างหน้า หากบังเอิญโชคร้ายตกงานขึ้นมากระทันหัน หรือเกิดเจ็บป่วยหนักๆ จะเอาเงินที่ไหนรักษา หากไม่มีเงินเก็บไว้บ้าง ปัจจุบันนี้โรงพยาบาลเอกชนบางแห่งถ้าป่วยหนักๆหรืออุบัติเหตุหนักๆ ประโยคแรกที่จะถูกถามก็คือ มีประกันไหม? มีค่ารักษาพยาบาลรึป่าว? หรือแม้แต่เงินใช้จ่ายยามเกษียณ คิดง่ายๆ สมมุติว่าหลังเกษียณแล้วมีชีวิตอยู่ต่ออีก 15-20 ปี เอาแค่ข้าว3มื้อๆละ 100 บาท เราต้องมีเงินขั้นต่ำ 1.6-2.2 ล้านบาท ลองสำรวจเงินออมของเราว่ามีพอกินครบ3มื้อแล้วหรือยัง?
ถ้ายังก็ต้องรีบออม มีแล้วก็ยังต้องออมเพราะเราไม่รู้ว่าวันข้างหน้าจะเกิดอะไรมากระทบเงินก้อนนี้ของเราหรือไม่ นี่แค่ข้าว3มื้อยังไม่ได้พูดถึงค่ารักษาพยาบาล ค่าใช้จ่ายที่จำเป็นอื่นๆอีก ทำไมต้อง "ออม" การไม่รู้จักเก็บออมจะทำให้เกิดทุกข์ในอนาคต และยังเป็นเหตุที่ทำให้เราก่อหนี้ด้วยแบบนี้ยิ่งทำให้ทุกข์หนัก

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why is "saving" because the future is unpredictable. We can not predict what will happen in the future. If an unfortunate coincidence unemployed suddenly or illness is hard to put your money where treatment. If no stored.The first sentence to be asked is, have insurance?Die? Or even spending money retirement security, simple, assumed after retirement and lived for another 15-20 years just 3 rice meal each 100 baht. We must have a minimum 1.6-2.2 million, try to explore our savings that have enough to eat for 3 meal?
.If you need to save. There is also need to save because we don't know what the future will be what impact this money or not. This is just 3 rice meal still not talking about medical treatment. Other necessary living expenses. Why "savings".And it is also the reason we debt with this makes suffering heavy

.Why i
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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