I am writing a letter to a friend.Hello she is? Good college students that is? Good friends there with her silk to silk there are dorm safe? I think of her every time you do anything when, before we ever made together. When we are at the same school. We are from the same school, we will be on the floor together. But we still found nothing yet, truthfully together. Nuek, we have known each other 2 wings. Now that we know for the first time it's known to her friends her way if they did not come to 555 khanan know me, we would not have known. I remember I asked her friends for her timeline account because he told her she was kinda a funny man. When I heard her story I wanted to know, she very much. And her friends make a good timeline. I'm going to greet her, she replies instantly. She kinda doubt very much who I Remove the timeline she come? am I with her. And we were known, but we have never seen the page. When we chat we were together in khui obscure iya meet school. Backpacks that we first met She hardly knew the person she found me. When I explain to her listening to greetings and she smiles and then laughs makes me feel happy. After that we would meet more frequently, until we became completely together. And meeting together. And I see you with her, it's every morning before going to the row. And got to sit in the cafeteria. And in the evening I went back to her home, simultaneously. We do this every day for 1 full year. The relationship we will bind together more and more, until one day she wants to earn the University of I'm still here for another year and think when I finish to go will go other there it near where she resides. Now I live with my 2 other friends. They are very good friends. But I think she always ก้ยังรัก and hope to get a letter from her back Mana. And hopefully we will get together.
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