My name is Persian cat A queen of cats from the Middle East that Dan has become popular all over the world. Today กระปุกดอทคอม have Persian history And how a Persian cat to leave
.Because the Persians a longhaired cat looks lovely Bobblehead. Beautiful big round eyes, a variety of colors, depending on the species, including the face is there are many models. มีอุปนิสัย gentle sociable, cheerful, mischievous, kisser and intelligent.
Persian originated the Persian or Turkey, and Iran at present. By year.1684 are recorded in writing about the source of Persians or แมวเปอร์เซียน (Persian Cats) that the desert (also known as caravan). The bar, west of Turkey and Iran, often the cargo, including numerous spices.Products and other valuable, which is sometimes a cat fur attached. Cat fur that was purchased by the sailors and the cat stuck with cargo ships travel to Europe. The later years of cat is known, Sturgis, Aang, Gora (Turkish.
.Later, at the end of the century 19 British begin breeding cats Sturgis, Aang, Gora, with other cat breeds Development and finally the cat with thick fur and longer than ever.Longhair which its name was established according to country of origin itself
unless England. Persian cat was cultured in different countries. Both Europe and America for hundreds of years. The U.S. will call this breed of cats that Persian
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