Today is a holiday. I went to the market to buy a mother's leave comes when I go to market, I started buying the mother leave immediately. When finished shopping, I go shopping at ourselves like I turned to see the worms shop filled with went into store. I asked the mother how much wood is sold complete ค้ว่า worms. But the merchant does not respond so I asked again. But it does not remove the merchant replied, but roast worms have only. I think a merchant may not hear or not hear any good. I tried to call the merchant, so. Merchant, he thought an exclamation or interjection coming out of it. I stood next to the merchant ro head shop Trading MOM ask me to remove the worms have a stick. I say 4 lumber merchant pick up worms have put a bag to me immediately. After that, I went to buy a corn roast that I like to eat, but the grilled corn trading MOM. It rarely receives only $ kakha solutions I เปลื่ย nachai not buy better and go home.
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