If I were a bird. I will fly in at.To like anybody would fly right fly? no, each one roasted one khaen KOR. There are also other examples like fairy flight I check the Hong is because birds have wings, can fly to wherever. I would like to fly to the horizon. He wants to fly up high, looking down on the ground in time to see the beauty of nature. The beauty of the world. I will be flying around the world like a plane flying everywhere. I would like to fly faster than a rocket will not stop even if I have to handle alone. I would like to have wings that are a strong shot that time wings are not hurt, it would have to continue the flight according to my needs. I want to be a bird and magic than other birds as birds, others sek. Sek sek, of love, others Sek, this world it but happy, bright I was not sad and gloomy to be people, but it is impossible not to have a bird like this nun to sek. It is just my fanciful, you? What is your fanciful?
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