More than four and a half hours, with the floating in the sky to India, fell asleep for a while, open my eyes again, but look out of the window. The first picture to see is the ranges of the Himalayas, of course!Now we're flying parallel to the Himalayas. We can know automatically. We designated Indian
.Soon the plane by the airline Air India brought us into the airport, Indira Gandhi National Airport of India bigger airport 3. As a big, new, clean, convenient, quick service
.Step out of the airport. You look rooster, it holds the label stand waiting, the outside air is cool and comfortable right. We ride out of the airport. The various images that we think a lot wrong from the streets big, new clean out outside the airport.Until in the downtown district of Delhi. We find the word India. Traffic has begun to beggar knock glass. We do not, he went to the other cars on the road is not only on the car, but the horse, cow, camel, tuk tuk tuk.
.The first of the Indian takes about 1 hours we here. Today we live in Mine Bazar which here is near to the bus station. To travel to different cities.15 minutes, but for this trip, we pass to the public transport between cities. But if anyone stay in Delhi was asked to stay in this area is extremely comfortable
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