Properties of turmeric Indication of the first substance in turmeric have anti-oxidants, which help in the anti aging and slow the occurrence of wrinkles.-Help strengthen immune resistance to the body.-Helps strengthen the immune system, healthy skin healthy.-Turmeric may help protect against cancer roles such as disease, bowel evacuation sites. Cervical cancer.-Turmeric can help reduce cholesterol levels, body.-Eliminate toxins from the body.-Helps relieve the symptoms of diabetes.-Help cure high blood pressure-Helps reduce the symptoms of the disease, kao.-Assist steering maternal milk after childbirth.-Helps maintain a respiratory system with unusual symptoms.-Helps prevent brain memory-Can Ma helped to cure hole coming toi (not yet confirmed)-Helps reduce inflammation.-Help resolve symptoms dizzy head.-Helps heal allergies and the flu-Relieve the cough-Allergy symptoms treatment aid breathing, symptoms improved.-Helps to prevent clotting of the blood vessels.-Anti free radicals in the blood of patients with Marga lat mobile e-Bills to find the Hi-c female.-Heals a wound at the mouth.-Helps maintain healthy lungs and healthy.-Essential oils in turmeric is commonly used help to relieve abdominal pain.-Help heal diarrhoea stools, diarrhea by apply turmeric powder mixed with honey is a statue already brought bolt ball take 3 tablets 3 times.-Abdominal pain pierce point, solve the bloating of gas-tight thong.-Help to maintain disease intestinal inflammation--Compression reduces the release of intestines.-Activity to help drive itself.-Help in healing stomach and intestinal cleansing-Helps nourish the liver. Prevent hepatitis inflammation of the pancreas and protect the liver from damage of paracetamol medicine.-Helps maintain healthy bladder hurut-Helps prevent disease hemorrhoids-Solve the symptoms of bleeding by applying a paste of turmeric, fresh-squeezed juice menu and details to come remove the plaster water mixed with white and then eat.-Solve the symptoms of cystitis-Helps heal the pain or inflammation due to inflammation of the khaikho.-Solves bad lymph symptoms.-Solve the rash on the body.-Help cure skin rash phot-Helps maintain liver spots by using turmeric powder, dermatophytosis, mixed with water. Bring cream grounds as dermatophytosis liver spots every day. 2 times per day-Helps heal skin diseases phuphong Blister swamp more quickly-Help heal wounds from insects bites. By applying a paste of turmeric and rinse clean and fresh-squeezed juice, but removed details until the position came to the area.-Activity in the opposition and kill the fungi that cause diseases of the skin and anti yeast which causes a low immune system.-Anti parasite or Amoeba infection that is causing the dysentery.-Helps resist bacteria and viruses as well as bacteria that cause the wound in the stomach. Bacteria that cause disease, diarrhea Bacteria that cause pus, etc.-Have a formidable force in opposition to mutations and resistance by carcinogens are associated with a disease that is caused by the body's degeneration and diabetes.-Helps healing by the body more quickly Turmeric powder by mixing with water and then painted onto the wound and also helps the wound infection of mice, rabbits and not white, and can accelerate the wound, believed to be lost.
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