o develop
...an open European standard for C-ITS
...an associated validation process focusing on V2V Systems
...realistic deployment strategies and business models to speed-up
the market penetration
...a roadmap for deployment of C-ITS (for V2V and V2I)
• to contribute
...to the development of European standards for V2I Communication being
interoperable with the specified V2V standard
...to an associated validation process
...its specifications to the standardisation organisations, in particular ETSI TC
ITS, in order to achieve common European standards for ITS
• to push
...the harmonisation of C2C Communication Standards world-wide
• to promote
...the allocation of a royalty free European wide frequency band for V2V
...joint deployment of C-ITS by all stakeholders
• to demonstrate
...the C2C-System as proof of technical and commercial feasibility