The strain of bird flu found on a duck breeding farm in East Yorkshire การแปล - The strain of bird flu found on a duck breeding farm in East Yorkshire อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

The strain of bird flu found on a d

The strain of bird flu found on a duck breeding farm in East Yorkshire has been identified as H5N8, the same type seen in recent outbreaks in Europe.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said the risk to public health remained very low.

The strain is very dangerous for bird life and could potentially affect humans, although only through very close contact with the affected birds.

Some 6,000 ducks are being culled at the farm in Nafferton, near Driffield.

A Defra spokeswoman said: "The cull to prevent the spread of potential infection is being carried out in a safe and humane manner by fully-trained staff.

"Our response to this outbreak follows tried and tested procedures for dealing with avian flu outbreaks and we expect the cull to be completed later today.

"Additionally, our animal health laboratory at Weybridge has confirmed that the outbreak of avian influenza in East Yorkshire is the H5N8 strain.

"The advice from the chief medical officer and Public Health England remains that the risk to public health is very low. The Food Standards Agency have said there is no food safety risk for consumers."

EU officials have said migratory birds heading south for winter are probably responsible for the Yorkshire bird flu case and the recent outbreaks in the Netherlands and Germany.
Exclusion zone

The East Yorkshire outbreak is the first serious case of bird flu in the UK since 2008, when the H7N7 strand was found in free-range hens near Banbury, Oxfordshire.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The strain of bird flu found on a duck breeding farm in East Yorkshire has been identified as H5N8, the same type seen in recent outbreaks in Europe.The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said the risk to public health remained very low.The strain is very dangerous for bird life and could potentially affect humans, although only through very close contact with the affected birds.Some 6,000 ducks are being culled at the farm in Nafferton, near Driffield.A Defra spokeswoman said: "The cull to prevent the spread of potential infection is being carried out in a safe and humane manner by fully-trained staff."Our response to this outbreak follows tried and tested procedures for dealing with avian flu outbreaks and we expect the cull to be completed later today."Additionally, our animal health laboratory at Weybridge has confirmed that the outbreak of avian influenza in East Yorkshire is the H5N8 strain."The advice from the chief medical officer and Public Health England remains that the risk to public health is very low. The Food Standards Agency have said there is no food safety risk for consumers."EU officials have said migratory birds heading south for winter are probably responsible for the Yorkshire bird flu case and the recent outbreaks in the Netherlands and Germany.Exclusion zoneThe East Yorkshire outbreak is the first serious case of bird flu in the UK since 2008, when the H7N7 strand was found in free-range hens near Banbury, Oxfordshire.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The Strain of Bird Flu Found on a Duck Breeding Farm in East Yorkshire has been identified As H5N8, The Same type seen in recent outbreaks in Europe. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said The risk to public Health remained very. Low. The Strain is very Dangerous for Bird Life and could potentially affect Humans, although only Through very close Contact with The affected Birds. Mostly 6,000 Ducks are being culled at The Farm in Nafferton, near Driffield. A Defra spokeswoman said: "The cull. to Prevent The spread of Potential infection is being carried out in a Safe and Humane Manner by Fully-trained staff. "Our Response to this Outbreak follows tried and tested procedures for DEALING with Avian Flu outbreaks and we Expect The cull to be completed later today. . "Additionally, our Animal Health Laboratory at Weybridge has confirmed that The Outbreak of Avian influenza H5N8 in East Yorkshire is The Strain. "The Medical Advice from The chief officer and Public Health England that Remains The risk to public Health is very Low. The Food Standards Agency Have said there is no Food safety risk for Consumers. " EU officials Have said Migratory Birds heading South for Winter are Probably Responsible for The Yorkshire Bird Flu Case and The recent outbreaks in The Netherlands and Germany. Exclusion Zone The East Yorkshire. outbreak is the first serious case of bird flu in the UK since 2008, when the H7N7 strand was found in free-range hens near Banbury, Oxfordshire.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The strain of bird flu found on a duck breeding farm in East Yorkshire has been identified, as H5N8 the same type seen. In recent outbreaks in Europe.

The Department, for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said the risk to public health. Remained very low.

The strain is very dangerous for bird life and could potentially, affect humansAlthough only through very close contact with the affected birds.

, Some 6 000 ducks are being culled at the farm, in Nafferton. Near Driffield.

A Defra spokeswoman said: "The cull to prevent the spread of potential infection is being carried out in. A safe and humane manner by fully-trained staff.

."Our response to this outbreak follows tried and tested procedures for dealing with avian flu outbreaks and we expect the. Cull to be completed later today.

"Additionally our animal, health laboratory at Weybridge has confirmed that the outbreak. Of avian influenza in East Yorkshire is the H5N8 strain.

."The advice from the chief medical officer and Public Health England remains that the risk to public health is very, low. The Food Standards Agency have said there is no food safety risk for consumers. "

EU officials have said migratory birds. Heading south for winter are probably responsible for the Yorkshire bird flu case and the recent outbreaks in the Netherlands. And Exclusion zone Germany.

.The East Yorkshire outbreak is the first serious case of bird flu in the UK, since 2008 when the H7N7 strand was found. In free-range hens, near Banbury Oxfordshire.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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