Foreigners ask me who is the King, why people love and adoration Thailand King.This much he called "father." I smiled and did not hesitate to describe with pride and pleasure.The good of this person my dad (to be a problem in the language?). All my photos from the Internet,Music video song book. Both I and the foreigners shocker In this mighty KingBecause when it comes to the Kings and then Many people think that he was born in a noble family. It's comfortable to come immediately.There are servants of King thatboriwan was used, but we saw that picture is almost the opposite. I saw his picture.Shoe lace bow shape itself. Pictures of sweat flowing to the tip of the nose. Picture him working plan..Images meet underserved remote reign. These images were stamped in my psyche. The King.Like a father waiting cares for child monitor, advice, help, and editing in all situations.Just like he said the episode throne saying, "we will occupy the land by the policy for the benefit of the happiness.Haengomhachon nationals of Siam. "I also tell that the King hath or my idol ever.Because people do not just teach the word matters, but he still works as an obvious example.Such as savings Many times I show phaplot toothpaste that is completely sealed, finally rolled some people enough.See, it's a laugh. But after knowing this is the toothpastes tube God of Kings to thon calm. Listen, I told a completelyInterested in why the Kings have to save this size. I think you made that you teach, "economy said."The economy is not enough to simply not use anything, but use what most cost effective or even.Story of not holding him said to the people, own the story becomes funny to read.Warm hearts and closer to Dad more capital Another story that he is a most commendable is the.Grateful for the Princess mother cradled the King hath images or even push the cart, both subject to write with but also said.With the servants saying "mom, we take care of itself." The story that King to take food for five days a week with her mother, Mae memories are hugs.Or the aroma of these stories, the mother on the cheek, even ordinary people can do less than King. The King, who hathMany accomplished monks every day, so in the end, no wonder why people love this size to Thailand.There is a one time event. When the day is June 9 ceremony 2549 nganphra PSU.60 years old my father persuaded me to go see the King stretched Maha Association at Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall remember that morning.Weather very hot and a lot of people must of course. I told Daddy to "want to see the King at Let's father. EvidentOver another, "but my father said:" my father does not want to see the King, but the King wanted the father sees the people of Thailand.That much loyal people. "it makes me feel disgusted with my dad out to dash as soon as the day a lot of people.Very hot and I think really, but my mind and the man everyone juicy Thailand immediately. When the King came out waving.Hand everyone a voice yelling, crying "The King the King ...," many people tear flow.Without realizing it, is full of shallow feelings are in the mind until I return thanking my father many times that I had that day.And today. I will be far away in Russia. But I have the duty of Thailand published child.The story of my father's capital I Daddy's arms.
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