2. สร้าง สโลแกน เช่น "So, look up from your phone. Shut down the display. Take in your surroundings. Make the most of the day. Just one real connection. It’s all that can take to show you the difference...
2. create a slogan such as "So, look up from your phone the display Shut down.. Take in your surroundings Make the most of the day.. Just one real connection. It all that you can take to show the difference ...
2. Create a slogan like "So, look up from your phone. Shut down the display. Take in your surroundings. Make the most of the day. Just one real connection. It's all that can take to show you the difference ...
2. Create a slogan, such as "So look up from your phone. Shut down the display. Take in your surroundings. Make the most of the. Day. Just one real connection. It 's all that can take to show you the difference...