What sets the rate of inhale and out is the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.
if the concentration of carbon dioxide in blood in blood will be breathing down low, such as sleep
.If the concentration of carbon dioxide in blood in blood high will make breathing faster, such as exercise
: circulation of gas:: = = >
.The turnover of the gas. The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Occurs on the alveolar lung. With the diffusion of oxygen to the cells throughout the body.
.The energy, water, and carbon dioxide. The following equation
enzyme carbon dioxide resulting from the reaction between oxygen and food to spread out of the cell into the capillary and the
.Transported to the lungs. Carbon dioxide is released into a small airway Of the lung excreted from the body, along with the breath
: cough, sneeze, finding and hiccups. ::
= = >
symptoms associated with breathing are as follows:
1.A sneeze caused by breathing air is not clean, into the body. The body is trying to drive out those alien
outside the body. Inhale and exhale deeply by immediately
2.Find, due to the amount of carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood too, must ขับออกจาก body by
inhale long and deep. To get into the lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange from the blood
3.Hiccups caused by the diaphragm contraction rhythm. While the air is pushed through the shrink into the lung. Make sound งสั่น
4 sound up.A cough is a serious respiratory to prevent foreign matter falls into the larynx และหลอดลม. The body is long and hard, inhale exhale.
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