The enviMass workflow (version 1.0) [15] was applied to pro-cess the peak lists. For the two batches of experiments with riverRoter Main sediment – for which a blank-control experimentwas available – the peak lists of the incubations that containedpharmaceuticals and the corresponding blank-control at the samesampling time were simultaneously imported into enviMass andthe blank subtraction routine was applied (tolerance windows:m/z: ±5 mDa; RT: ±0.05 min). Peaks with an at least four timeshigher intensity compared to the blank-control were retained tokeep the initially spiked pharmaceuticals for further processing.For the experiment with river Gründlach sediment, the blank sub-traction step was omitted due to the lack of a blank experiment.Subsequently, the parent pharmaceuticals and internal standardswere filtered using m/z ratios, isotopic patterns, and RT. Finally,peaks with mass differences equal to13C and37Cl isotopologueions and RT within a window of ±0.05 min were assigned to distin-guish the components with monoisotopic mass. Only those with anobserved13C isotope peak were consequently retained in the listof “unknowns” for further processing.