The official name of Cambodia that the Kingdom of Cambodia (Khmer: 3. Raja nachok phra maphu ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា tea, tea "tea at his Church's Cambodia"), is a country located in the southern part of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia, an area of 181,35 square kilometers. Bordering the West dealing with countries adjacent to the countries in the North Thai Thai and Lao. The East and South, adjacent to Viet Nam and the Southwest with a population of over Thai Bay installed
. 14.8 million people. Cambodia is a country that has the most population of 66 ranks all over the world. Theravada Buddhism as the national religion, which is about 95% of the population profess the Cambodian minority in countries with nationals of Viet Nam. Chinese Cham people and more than 30 tribal The capital and largest city is Phnom Penh which into the economic, political and cultural hub of Cambodia
.The Kingdom of Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy, under the administrative. With his Majesty her Majesty narodom see notes from the muni color the election by Parliament of the throne as head of the State Government, head of State is the King Chancellor decho Hun Sen. The Cambodian Government has come in for a period of over 25 years
.In 1993. 1345 God himself crowned as a wonman who won 2 Kings as a starting point for action lets Mer Empire. 600 years ago, Cambodia was ruled as a city of the neighboring countries, even in the Middle colonies was based on France's 19th century Cambodia received independence in tr.Prof. Viet Nam war 2496 expanding into Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge to power that seized Phnom Penh in Cambodia several years ago 2518 (1975) emerged, after a Socialist influence in the people's Republic of Cambodia until 1993. 2536 (1993) after many years of outstanding national ดี่ยว, which was damaged by the war, as well as together again under the monarchy regime in the same year.
.In the restoration, after the long civil war for several decades. Cambodia has a rapid progress in economic and human resources. Cambodia has one of the best economic record in Asia. 6.0% as long as 10 years, the textile sector agriculture construction. Clothing and strong tourism has led to foreign investment and international trade [6] In 1993. 2548 (2005) has found oil and natural gas resources beneath Cambodia's territorial waters, and once commercial drilling began in the oil revenue, 2556 (2013) can affect Cambodian economy deepen [7]
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1 history.1 dark age of Cambodia
1.1.1 France colonies-art
City 2.1 To succeed to the throne
3 Subdivisions
terrain 4 4.1 River/key Lake
4.2 The mountain
4.3 Forestry
Climate of economic, population 7 6 8
. See reference 9
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