Make product supplements make white of many companies out distribution. In order to meet the needs of consumers in last year the company Seoul Secret Thailand has advertising supplements gluta By Chris in as presenter was in advertising that the slogan is white to win. It is criticizing the world social Which is the discontent of the people. Is advertising with racism, why Blacks couldn"t win, win or win based on competency. No white always. And as seen in the wrong values that white people look good by noted from CNN that advertising products the new piece of beauty industry. Claiming to have white is the key to success. The people all out to complain that lead to discrimination and cultivate the bad ideas. The people in a society, the more the disgrace greatly. Therefore, a flat CF out and the company Seoul Secret Thailand has announced that the trends of commercial food supplements Snow sun, glutamine, brand Seoul secret as the clip such advertising apologies for the error incurred by ready to solely. The company is not intended to indicate the communication in the official racial or ethnic. Well, the main issue is intended to the media from the beginning. The development itself constantly, both in terms of personality, appearance and ability, professionalism, however, the company had to apologize, and will accept all the comments. Now the company has the removable clip, advertising, advertising related, as well as other media, ได้วางแผน in future all out. To show responsibility for the incident. And said, this is an example of the advertisements that do not have plan ponder about the society and culture of And cultivating wrong values to the people in Thailand.
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