How to read the purpose of reading this to get
treatment information. Your main goal is to find out what happens very quickly. The easiest and how you will get from books, most in the less possible
1.Read all
.In learning to read, your goal should always be focused on; in fact, no matter how you read, you will remember most of the details. You should remember and save the main point, and if you remember.
2. Time for you to use in decision making
timer. And they are one of the most important skills you can learn. You should plan before starting to read 3,
. Aims and strategies, as soon as you begin to read. Try to find out what the four
.- who is the author?
- argument of the book is evidence to support these is what
- Summary of what the book is
. You start trying to define
- the weakness of these arguments, evidence, and the conclusion is
.And you think about the argument, evidence, and brief
- how does not (or could) answer จุดอ่อนเหล่านี้ author and criticism of your own
if you finish. To these questions is you should answer all
.- imagine You're reviewing the book for the magazine
- think you have a conversation or discussion as a way to deal with the author think
- monitoring in the book. The question, and how to answer whether or not 4 read actively.
.Create hypothesis former aluminium... Is the main point of the book...And the question about the book. Make notes about these can help when you read. Try to confirm the hypothesis and your answer you. When you finish, check out these 5,
. Read the third
.This technique is important. You will get the most in the book if you read it three times as well for other purposes
ก) overview:Discovery (5-10 percent of all time). Did you read quickly. Your goal is to find the book you want quick-and-dirty. Without the need to carefully read should create a question to answer in reading two
B details:Understand (70-80 percent of all time). Read this book twice. Understand your goals:To get an understanding careful important dominant of the point. The importance, especially in the beginning and the end of the chapter and the important part. Try ตอบคำถามใด. You create in the first round of
C) Note:To restore and final reading (10-20 percent of all time). The short - to send the memory key elements of the book. Make notes about the argument, evidence, and the conclusion, this is not the same as the markup text.The material into the mind of your own, which means using your own words most
6. Focus on the data content high
Book role. Each part within each paragraph, the front and back covers, table of contents, index: scan to look, which is the most important condition, summary, pictures, graphs. Table 7. Use PTML
.Read the important information. As a rule, you should average no more than two or three short machine in front of Replace the underlined the sentence. Underline words or short phrases that most anything to remember this point is to separate reduce cutting unnecessary.Use your own words!
8. Face to face against the screen
.The publication has a higher resolution than even the best screen you will read more accurately and with less light, fatigue, therefore if you stick to the paper version. Also, we will read the screen material much better now
9.Know author (s) and their organization
.Do not know who wrote the book to help you in the decision about the quality of the book author is, the more you know about the author and his / her organization. The better you can evaluate what you read. Try to answer the questions as follows:Any factor the intellectual view of the author, his career, or you? You can learn more often about answering, bibliography, and thereby the biography of the author
10. Know the context of intellectual
.The author and the organization he / she can help you understand the cognitive context of the book. You will understand the book, if you can figure out how and answer because the book almost always some time to answer other writers, writers you one.
11. Use mental consciousness
.You should read the book in a brief of one to two hours one, more than one long marathon during mental consciousness to carry some of what you have read. When you come back in the next round, start.What do you think it so, and what still need to learn!
12. Test and use many ways
.Reading is like martial arts, so after you have read. Test what you have learned, test yourself in the content, arguing with the author. Imagine that you will protect the position of the author in writing of its own.Put it in the class to write about it. Visualize anything that can be visualized about content. All this helped fix your memory. The new learning and in the rest of the knowledge.
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