My name is Ms. Khwanchanok Nonritthuang. The nickname name gifts, now aged 20 years, I'm going to talk to my mother. Thank you to everyone who has a mother, I'm a whole lot gave birth and raised until growth. A good mother is a person who has a habit of talking straight. Bad but good mouth. The mother is easy to shape, bright people. The mother will teach little precious forever. I want what she buys, but the mother will teach you to recognize the value of money, always. My stepmother, from little kids to get to school. Now my children are not willing to show off but will like to do the activity with schools, such as school dances, dancing to support the story always. The mother is doing in every subject. I am consulting my mother everything, whether the subject matter and student friends. Mother is always a good suggestion. Now a mother to a child like a parent would say the growth beat but more than teaching, we think of themselves. The mother is very worried, I don't like to call it little by little, as always. Today, my mother, a wake-up call every morning. I came close enough to attend university Chamber of Commerce. Mom started to release more. My mother would call and talk over! 3 days a week, close range, how can I help the mother house, home cooking, mom. My mom has medical conditions as heart disease, but there is a template drafts to strong health. Today, I have a mother, a professional trading. My mother never complains that long past mother who doesn't like close to home like to work. Mothers are the ones who love the cleaning. You will wonder what you have already said everything I like. Time to go shopping, we will always go together. My mom is like a friend. Consult. You know my friends, everyone. I am a man, like a pool, there are stories told kamak, listen to mother. The time the mother is not comfortable I hearing my mother likes to say, the. I feel lucky to have been born as the child of the mother. I have a lot of BU nakhun. Now what I do is the best mother, mother always taught us little end is a good man. Don't take advantage of others. My mother taught me to share others. Do not insult people. The mother is a very generous man who is always worried about little people. If I grow up, I want to be a mother because the mother has a great เปัน for me always. Class I is intended to compensate the parent raising my stepmother came template. I'm very proud that my mother was born as a child. There are templates, but I hope that something. Mothers sacrifice their comfort. Today, she still works for me, I've learned that good. Now I was the other end and then one year I intend to learn to make mom proud, and not to disappoint my mother. I was impressed in every subject. The good mother is a woman in my life.
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