Episode 1: moral, ethical behaviour study in life according to the doctrine of the religion.Students in the University by the University's size classification. The moral ethical behaviour with video on khro in religious life according to doctrine of the pasueksa education in private schools teaching religion and mass าน by Mo.To find the standard deviation of the average level of c and drivers: moral, ethical behavior in 1.1) ethics.Life according to doctrine the religion of those overview students in the intermediate (c = average 3.64). By sorting the c average from More Han nokwam shell is 1) single-phase single-phase 2-patience) know the holes provide the Bulletin No 3) single-phase single-phase nokwam enough 4 ya thot naman ) abukkhon.And 5) nokwam SUPA enough onyon jade and --anon lorry, its moral, ethical behaviour in 1.2) morality.Life according to doctrine, religion, jade nokwam SUPA fit -anon onyon & go lorry - in the city-level integrated pan-ourselves.Middle (c average = 3.29). By sorting the November average from more Han , 3 1 first team) phache sur (b) onwan basic abida.Mothers and teachers always ngotmam 2) shell b phache ongkho provide the Organization and drought has been can make things wayaluea in the directory . (B) phache าง is the principal say thoi.And sorry 3) when another younger phache good wayok b mechanical functionality of the Jade pure up more European, and a score of mountain ayathi is 1).B phache Lottery wahai mechanical and mechanical makae wotwatdi Grand . 2), and (b) ngasa sanik phache my jar-o show off what b phache า.Above the broad of other moral behavior and younger 1.3) business ethics to morality. Life according to doctrine, religion, jade hole I know bulletin.To educate those in the medium no (c average = 3.77). By sorting the November average from more Han , 3 1 first team.)B phache follow the doctrine of Islam in between phache No 2) b wachuen mechanical watch when you see another mechanical wakho blame for the younger.
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