The weighing system. To install in the area before the pike to control the mini truck weight over specified by law in the expressway weighing system.Land scale will bring installed at the border with the passage of the large truck and on a regular basis. Meanwhile, the consultants will offer installation mobile weighing system by working along with the balance weight system a land scale In order to help the weighing system more flexible. By location to install the weighing system mobile Will be placed in front of a park before entering the outpost weighing scale Because when a large car, runs through the weighing system mobile And the loading through benchmarking. Will be able to login incoming channel to get the passer. And go to the expressway line immediately. At the same time, the car failed standard weighing system mobile The car will be parked weighing a log scale To check the accuracy and consider the weight directly according to the standard of the use of such cars Expressway Elements of the weighing system comprises 2 including systems.O weighing system for mobile (Dynamic Weighting) is installed before the weighing system weighing in a park รถบรรทุกเมื่อ weigh station will be forced to pass. Normal Speed WIM (Weight-In-Motion) by the installed devices include Weight Sensor installed on the channels of a truck pass. Dual Tire Detector for check the wheel pair in the same shaft. Weight Processor installed in a cabinet Cabinet and wiring the building control. Video Camera (depending on the needs and requirements) for recording truck truck overload.O weighing system weighing a park (Static Weighting) by a truck with overload is forced to announce in Static balancer. To weigh more detail. The installed devices include Weight Scale type weighing axle installed on the channel truck. Weight Indicator to show the axle weight each axle. And the total weight to truck drivers know weight loads. Weight Console used in control devices in the appliance.
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