Leduma by Eve "s supplementation of coconut oil.Leduma supplements to the white face, reduce acne.Smooth skin, with the benefits of coconut Organic endorsed standards.USDA ORGANIC from USA, nourish the skin radiant.White up naturally slow down the wrinkles.It is also the source of antioxidants, elite, reduce acne.Skin smooth, healthy and safe.Leduma white safe, no residue.The properties of the Leduma.- white clear acne skin radiant.- as antioxidants, exquisite!- helps to strengthen the collagen and elastin. Slow down the aging.- shine a bright complexion, reduces the problem of acne, freckles.- to reduce and prevent acne acne cystic acne.- reduce redness from black acne, a mosquito bite, dark spots all over the body.Reduce oil on the face, adjust the production of the sebaceous glands to decrease.Restoration of pigmentation, acne hole, smooth.- balance the body in the body of a high acidThe mechanism of the body is normal.How to eat: eat a day Leduma 1-2 tablet before bedtime.Begin to see changes in the 7-14 day white smooth face, acne reduction.The clear 1-2 months.
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