The term HRM stands, the term Human Resource Management human resource management means the establishment is about planning, specifications and features of population from HRD section grave stands, the term Human Resource. Human resource development as a means to increase an existing property within the body of the man, using various tactics
In the current era, we often hear people talking about the term HRD and HRM frequently cause I was wondering what these two words mean differ? Is important, and what's involved with us? Lol I summarized as follows:
The term HRM stands, the term Human Resource Management human resource management means the establishment is about planning, specifications and features of population from grave, or in other words: And human resources, benefit from the grave before going to work and back out as a mission of the Organization, I
The duties of human resource management (HRM) in the establishment. :
1. Define human resource management strategy. (HRM Strategy) 2.
planning on manpower or human resources planning (HR Plainning)
3. Nomination package selection to appoint the person (Recuitment Selection and Placement) is treated as a supply route, the person into the Organization (Procurement) 4
. training and development (Human Resource Development and Training)
5. performance assessment of personnel (Performance Appraisal)
6. Executive management compensation. Welfare and benefits (Compensation, Benefit and Service), 7
. executed discipline (Discipline)
8. overseeing health and safety (Safety and Health)
9. to promote labour relations matters (Labour Relation)
10. A system administrator is responsible for monitoring and research, human resources.
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