For aluminium alloy that has the elements that fill the elements sodium and silicon top string to cut harness. To improve the appearance and shape of eutectic phase Silicon is more rounded circle. Effect of solidifying rate structure of aluminum alloy to result in lag between the arms of the daira (SDAS), a smaller city, but if the case is very heavy work pieces to make small bit by controlling the rate of cooling, regularly do.Effects of the ratio of the cooling behavior of aluminum alloy anti-freeze-Silicon-copper grades 319 through recycling. Reinforcement steel is commonly 0.8 is useful for mechanical strength aluminum used in forming with mechanical (wrought). The appropriate amount of steel, s/s (0.3) will increase the strength of the work pieces. The aluminum used in the casting section is useful for forming grades used by MOL (permanent mold), but there will be deterioration for the use in aluminium casting. When the steel is not suitable due to the form of the Beta phase. Lamella in pieces of casting characteristics
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