Works from the tutorial series build undergrad 02-259-344 environmental and energy management is a combination of teaching instructional course 02-259-344 environmental and energy management. 6. article content leaves. Teaching materials using Microsoft Power Point program. The practice. The test Panel, the trial and the task to create this tutorial series evaluations from experts in the teaching kit has an average overall content (X = 3.17 ̅). The teaching kit has an average side, pictures, colors, and images (X = 3.07 ̅). The teaching kit has an average side, the test through a series of tutorials in the overview (X = 3.00 ̅) is the Media Lab experiment, the energy from the hot and cold water in the overview (̅ X = 3.30) is the media experiments to compare the energy consumption of the lamp with the same size but different watt in the overview (X = 3.20 ̅). and the Media Lab experiment of solar energy (Solar cell) in an overview (X = 3.20 ̅) is hoping that a constant is useful for teaching, teaching purpose.
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