Now I'm at Khon Kaen University The report points to the news now. Many people may be wondering whether it is a golf course of the University, which may look very similar, but this is table tennis gymnasium for use drills and activities of this type include the sport to other sport zone nearby, but you ... I have a strange thing that happened to that huge hole RADIUS is approximately 10 km in width, which I expect it is a deep fried ball of trading barriers of them tasting very seriously. I expect if this hole was repaired may be making sales store meatballs frying would certainly increase, according to a look at the incident.Your audience is now a large hole is wide and very deep, it has made a lot. From observations and inquiries from people roaming I have information that this problem, it will affect the vehicle and can cause hazard. I'm doing an interview one Uncle Those who sold fried Meatball is here, it is time for more than 10 years he has a comment?
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