Military occupation into a profession, social responsibility and is accountable to the public one
soldier is different from other professions in society. Obviously, is to turn it into a career. The position of the
survival of the individual and national military occupation into a profession that required to use violence in the North. Act when
necessary and be ready to lay down his life into the act, in other words, into a career that eliminate the use
of social conflict. Eliminate conflicts between states Both of which have The servant social model, one has to
use violence into a tool for the military to have a value to the act, including military discipline
and ethics officer or the soldier must have ethics into the air before. itself to the
value to which air must be concise and that this is more than any other profession. Due to the lack of a To the good
, it can be the vehicle for which the destruction of the vehicle, where the collapse of the state.
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