Apollo (Apollo) considered divine twins with Artemis, the goddess Devi R. dominate the sun. Coupled with an Artemis is the goddess of the moon!According to the legend, Hui Helios. (Helios) got me originally sun god of the Greeks. And is the son of Oh's study (Hyperion) in the Faculty of Democrat instead. But after the death of Democrat's power instead. The Greeks came to respect เทพอพอลโล instead
.After she latona, the mother of Apollo was the goddess Hera act with jealousy. Because of the relationship with Zeus. To escape the python snake and carrying (Python) of the goddess, as to find a place in the birth of his son(Delos) when God saw โปเซดอน was born out of pity. Therefore, to inspire a small island up from the sea. She can bring forth เทพอพอลโล and an Artemis out on that island. When the condition both origins.The Apollo is called one of the names that pytheus (Pytheus) meaning "those who execute python." not only... Apollo also called many names based on but places, such as the Delian (Felian) Phoebus (Phoebus) means "light"."Shining", etc., which is often used in conjunction with the name after the main title. "Phoebus Apollo" is often
.After she gave birth. She is not as latona bullies don't quit. She made her to wander away next to the nation, Karen. (Caria) currently live in Asia Minor, by the way.He give me some water and from the locals. Out work weeding bar. But they're not willing to help her, but back kick and say abusive woven with vulgar words. He observed the Zeus Indra feeling very upset.The neighborhood around the source with abundant frog sequel from the past to the present, which believed that The current may descended from these people are probably.
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