Do you know how a Cheetah with a lion with a difference: General characteristics of residential area and the behaviour of the Lion King is the prestigious Tiger Woods a Cheetah is designed for speed King. There are 2 types of these fierce animals, secret, anything. We go to the track at the same time.A Cheetah with a lion, there are differences in the characteristics of the Tiger is a Cheetah is general quite small. Unlike other types of shape a lot of tigers. The skinny shape, slimming, the background color is yellow gold and the trunk has exploded all over the black point. Under the At the bottom of the legs, neck, Chin, and lips on a white face with a black "line to drip tears" from the eye to rest upon the mouth of the lion is featured, but there is a common feature is a large Tiger fur short, very short, some may have a light brown color, grey or red-brown some or to water.Tan and Red The width of the mouth is quite long. The nose is black, yellow or amber eyes completely shut the curtain curtain hole short round ears aired. After the black ears Stand in front of the back legs, and sturdier tinkwang; The tail is quite long, at the end of the tail is black and often have what tassel-like spurs and one hidden under ice in the tassel, Vera.
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