At the end of World War II, it appears that there are more than 100 Thai pilots and had a lot of property donations, Ministry of defence bought the plane in different provinces throughout the country, and has been buying aircraft, named according to the name of the donor is. The Government representative for sayam 2462 (1919) October 13, with representatives of Governments, international. Signed a contract on international air transportation (Convention Concerning the Regulation of Aerial Navigation, October 13, 1919), and had granted it when there have been February 2-2462 (1919) prakasok show Royal command set aeronautical administration officials who announced the date 9.February 2462 (1919) by "officials who are subject to the air transportation, comply with the agreed to appear with the exact words that order Royal command, Ministry of Defense, which includes the Department of the army aircraft in conjunction with the Director of personnel in the cooperative, which is about the subject, good sized room, friendly.นอากาศ all along from now into "(copied from page 36 Government 240, 241 2462 February 15) after February 27 there are 2462 (1919) in prakat experiments leading to Don Muang airport postal bags from a flight Club, Chao ke (Brequèt xiv) flight experiment results satisfactory, it is open to traffic, postal bag between Nakhon Ratchasima and Ubon Ratchathani. After that, the Ministry of Defense has determined that air power is not only in the military strategy game. But there are other side benefits, such as the widely commercial affairs. Transport Call the Department of army aircraft, it is not proper and does not fulfill the aims that have been set up. Therefore, the Ministry of defence command, December 1, 2464 (1921) renamed from "Department of army aircraft" to "Department of aircraft", so defence aircraft, it has launched the airline up to get help with transportation of the Telegraph newspapers in local transport is not yet official, and Northeast. It also has been used to transport aircraft, pharmaceuticals, and medical doctors to cure epidemics in wild areas and transport patients by air as well. Later, there were 2469 (1926) private company permission to fly commercial. Company name or commercial mail carriers and renamed as the shipping company Ltd., January 5, when the Government has given some tasks 2473 (1930) about air travel from the Ministry of defence, the Ministry of Commerce and transport operations instead. When the air freight business and political roles are increasingly trading Affairs. Have to act to control its trading business impact to security or cosy designed public. The Ministry has given any sign that the Bureau's officials maintain it is defined in (4), the Ministry of Commerce and transport and as an acting officer on. Canal railway Close to air. Power plants, and insurance, which announced August 16 Buddhist 2472 and Act amendments air close to Buddhist Buddhist 2475 2475 announced August 29, according to section 9, Secretary of State, Ministry of defence and the Secretary of State is empowered to act under this Act. The regulation has been adjusted 2476 (1933) Government of new management. Act establishing the Ministry of defence, Ministry of finance, have been previously and include 7 of the communication and transportation Affairs, especially within the Ministry of saraset. The Council of State Act and placed in the Department of civil service regulations and Office of saraset. Announced January 29 2476 Buddhist section 15 Department of transport government divisions as follows: 1. the Office of the Secretary is divided into 2 departments, namely (1) the Department Office correspondence (2) miscellaneous Department. 2. Civil Aviation Division is divided into two departments: (1) control, (2) Department, construction department. Royal Decree. Stated clearly during the flight of the military and of civilians. Since then, there have been many ministries prungkrathonwong adjustment. Picture of the structure of civil air transportation more obvious. With the transfer of the powers and duties of the Act on civil service of the Ministry or Department that has been revamped 2484 (1941) par at 2484 (1941) August 23 section 5 mentioned. "Those powers and duties relating to the Government of the Department of Harbor Department of the Department of public and railway and Telegraph about the fleet, commercial, etc., transferred to the power and duties of the Ministry of transport and Communications Minister, officer," and in the publication have been 2485 (1942) Decree on public administration in organizing orientation Department of transportation can be divided into four parts, namely, the Office of the Secretary of the Department of land transportation Division troops and freight air freight division, which specifies the function control. Air transportation both in and outside the country. Later, there have been improvements to government divisions and bureaucratic regulation alignment of the Department of transportation, many times, but it still contains the authority to act on land transportation, air and water, and the original until it has 2497 (1954) in the Decree on public transportation Department regulations placed on the Transport Ministry to provide civil aviation Agency, which has an equivalent force and divisions within the Government as a quarterback is the stack 3 stack air traffic control technique, and kongborikan air freight transportation development, but rarely step one.As much as it should because of the legal provisions relating to the transport of that announcement at that time, several different areas, power management. In 2506 (1963) has caused a change in the administration of the Department of transportation's significant work. That is, have enacted Act fine prungkrathonwong ministries (vol. 2) 2506 (1963) up on the part of the Transport Ministry rescinded as a Bureau of the Department of civil aviation commercial aviation. Acting to promote and develop the civil aviation, as well as the development of the airport to be used in civil aviation Affairs, nearly 30 of the earliest age at which airports in the region are used in military affairs, together with civil division. An action out of proportion. Civil aviation affairs are increasingly developed and managed operation with คล่.
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