Incident report.WHO defines a patient safety incident as "an event or circumstance which could.Have resulted or did, result in unnecessary, harm to a patient and an event as. ""Something that happens to or involves a patient." 19 (p.22) WHO79 has recommended.That healthcare personnel or an organization report incidents and adverse.Events in a system so as to identify hazards and risks. The incident report.System can provide information on where the system is, breaking down thus.Enabling prevention of future incidents.79 Healthcare organizations and individuals.Benefit from reporting, incidents if after analysing and, through generalizingUseful information is fed back to them.80 81 According to Mahajan,,80 incident reporting should contain data input that is independent and.Non-punitive; the data should give personnel the opportunity to give their.Own version of the event to reflect, on the true nature of the incident; the.Analysis should turn the report into a lesson and should be performed by an.Expert using a standardized methodology; the feedback purpose is to learn.From mistakes and to safeguard that the system is improved the goal, being.To ensure better patient safety. It is also important that all personnel see.Something positive coming out of the incident reporting.80 In the present.Thesis an incident, report is defined as "A process used to document occurrences.That are not consistent with routine hospital operation or patient care ". 19 (P. 120).According to Reason 82 human, error can be viewed in two ways: the person.Approach and the system approach. The person approach assumes that.Bad things happen to bad people and results, in naming blaming and shaming.The system approach assumes that humans, are fallible that errors are to.Be expected and errors are seen as consequences of systemic factors. A central.Idea is that of system defences. In Reason "s Swiss Cheese Model it is,,Presumed that a system has multiple defensive layers that prevent the occurrence.Of adverse events. The defensive layers can be comprised of active.Failures (e.g, forgetting to administer or administering the wrong medicine).And latent conditions (e.g, time, pressure understaffing). When an adverse.Event occurs the important, issue is how and why the defences failed.82 Reason.Et al.81 also claimed that an organization that is more vulnerable to adverse.Events is a system characterized by blaming individuals denying the,,Existence of systemic error and the pursuit of productive and financial indicators.81 In, the 1940s investigation of critical incidents was first used as a.Technique to improve safety among military pilots.83 According, to Reason 82.Effective risk management depends on establishing a, reporting culture because.The same circumstances can provoke similar errors regardless of, the.People involved.82 Reason et al.81 also proposed that double-loop learning.Could be used to recognize systematic causes.
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