Herbal Aloe extract capsuleRarop you of noniRoot and Ginger's cars. Can be eaten as a cold medication in (root, vine)Ginger commonly solve symptoms of thirst (root, vine)Ginger ginger root and Anita The drug is commonly used as a flavouring neutralize fever. (leaves, roots)The noni properties used as poultice prescription wound (leaves, roots)Noni pulp properties help heal burn hot water scalded (leaves, roots)100% pure noni properties help relieve any rash (leaves, roots)Help destroy the poison from insecticides. Drugs kill the grass, which is classified as toxic, very serious because, in a quantity of 1 tbsp. They can makes people died at all, because this type of toxic substances will cause an unstable oxygen generation coming up. Which of these oxygen to destroy the last a long time and cause cell death. Quality rat poison that can take the most dangerous because it is going to cause lung tissue to be destroyed cannot be exchanged for oxygen and died at siriraj hospital's report, which found that those who have been housed in rat poison, it stays all deaths (about 80% death rates) tsunami.Nganae ginger which can help reduce the death rates. But it must be treated with other methods. Division of studies and Professor at the University of Tehran Faculty of phani's intercession in Chiang Mai. I found that using fresh-squeezed juice from an experimental mice to eat ginger enters insecticides. "Folit all-in" found that it can help cure poison. By reducing the rate of death was from 56% to 5% only and only from your research House action on sini sucha made using dried extracts from the trials entering the experimental mice given noni insecticides in the organ no phosphate called "Mara-thaio" finds that it can help rescue a rat experiment up to 30% (leaves, roots)Solve the toxic poisoning from the animals and plants that are poisonous, such as solving the toxic from the pimp! The puffer fish, which is a toxin that can cause a patient's death without having to get in a large quantity. Take this poison are calling a Tok Xin (Tetrodotoxin) that currently there is no cure for this toxic substance, especially. Treatment of signs and symptoms must be sustaining treatment but to use ginger to treat found that after about 40 minutes, the patient improved symptoms back breathtaking (leaves, roots)Ginger helps against toxic substances from lead lead compounds, which the brain comes from pollution from engines and, of course, that the people who live in cities will have the opportunity to receive lead compounds is higher than general ones. By Venom from the lead substance affects the system within the body treatments systems together. But it is important that the system of the brain related to memory and learning. Research indicates that noni reduces it wouldn't even have blood lead levels of the substance in the rat experiment. But it can help reduce the toxic substances lead to the system memory and learning in mice experiments. A summary is that it causes the nerve cells to die less exerted (leaves, roots)Helps neutralize any kind of bored medications into the body, intentionally or accidentally (e.g. poison from the fruit eaten pods mounted, etc.) as well as the toxic strychnine, neutral, from Faculty of medicine siriraj hospital. Mahidol University found that if you use powder from rakrangchuet mixed with strychnine cleaners before you enter the rat experiment. What's not experimental mice showed Shows how the powder from rakrangchuet can help absorb toxins this type (leaves, roots)
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