Appendix A.A.1. Crown-fire initiation regression.Crown - game systems re initiation regression equations:Critical flame length... M?. ÿ 1: 11229 0: 26883. "It Height of crown base?0: 02274. "It Foliar moisture content, R2. 0: 983.A.2. Bulk density regression.Bulk density regression equations:Ponderosa pine crown bulk density... Kg = m3.Something.The 0: 00051.It mean DBH had 0: 000024. "It TPA?0: 000004. "Mean DBH...?It TPA, R. 0: 950.Douglas ÿ fir crown bulk density... Kg = m3.Something.The 0: 000589.It mean DBH had 0: 000042. "It TPA?0: 000004. "Mean DBH...?It TPA, R. 0: 914.Grand ÿ fir crown bulk density... Kg = m3.Something.The 0: 001251.It mean DBH had 0: 000065. "It TPA?0: 000002. "Mean DBH...?It TPA, R. 0: 886.Units: Height of the BLC (m); Foliar moisture content.(%); Mean DBH (CM); TPA (number of trees per.Hectare).Appendix B.
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