Its full name is the Commonwealth of Australia
Australia has an area,, 7 692 030 km
population 20 264 082 (,,)
2549 city ที่มีประชากร most. Sydney, about 4, 000 000 people
cities with population second, Melbourne, about 3 000 000 people, the island, 8
Its full name is the Commonwealth of Australia
Australia has an area,, 7 692 030 km
population 20 264 082 (,,)
2549 city ที่มีประชากร most. Sydney, about 4, 000 000 people
cities with population second, Melbourne, about 3 000 000 people, the island, 8
Its full name is the Commonwealth of Australia
Australia has an area,, 7 692 030 km
population 20 264 082 (,,)
2549 city ที่มีประชากร most. Sydney, about 4, 000 000 people
cities with population second, Melbourne, about 3 000 000 people, the island, 8
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..