I have a lot of tannin. This material is overly astringent essential oils in leaves of guava. Tannin in gum also inhibit the spread of germs. Help heal stomach and intestines By reducing inflammation of the stomach and intestine. And help reduce nausea and vomitingCause of abdominal pain alleviated by analgesics force
.• Inclusion - diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea (not twisted. Or cholera) as a hemostatic wound leaves 2-3 fresh leaves are chewed as a deodorant, mouth wash wound abscess. Draining pus and swollen gums antidote to neutralize chronic wounds.
Mosquito allergy• Fruit - diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea, mouth odor. Cure dysentery There are a lot of vitamin C A disease or cure scurvy. (Scurvy), for gums and teeth.
Skin• Ripe fruit - contain Peggy Martin is great. Used orally as a laxative
• Root - to the lymph nodes is the solution boils, ulcers, nosebleeds
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