Koh Tao is in the district district, Surat Thani Koh Phangan, Koh Tao is like peas and beans are 12,936 rai of land consists of 2 main island, Koh Tao and Koh Nang Yuan is just to the north of Koh Phangan, an island about 45 km away, the nearest distance when compared to 85 km away from Paknam ChumphonSurat Thani Province, approximately 120 km with the island that is very far from the mainland in the past the Turtle Beach is filled with the source and came to lay eggs is a lot of quiet and because it had not been livingIt is evolving into a tourist attraction, it is the tourists and scuba diving, Thai and foreign interest, one of the best scuba diving, because it is the second largest world of Australia
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