B.C. the Romans was a pagan or not any religion A new year's celebration on 1 March. And cultural celebration did continue to come even 153 years B.C.).25 March. Find out until ศตร วรรต that 1500 England to celebrate the 25 March, but cancelled ในประมาณ years C.Professor 1753 Kingdom work? And beech. City of the Romans in the middle ages, or known in the name that Constantino Pell / is from the bull, and the celebration of new year's Day date, such as Russia 1 September. Until the 1920s.Professor 1700 New Year's Eve is Sylvester, and held that the celebration of new year is to go to work the ball Sylvester
.In the ancient times. The farmers in Sweden are considered together but that Its output is how in the new year. It's a convergence between old and new ideas, people believed that the prediction, and the power of witchcraft.The farmers want to know that Their seedlings fruit or not. Curious about the marriage, and the future, what to do, and who died in the years to come.
.The moon wax first after extension the sun near the North Pole in the winter (vintersolst å ndet), also known as "NY å rsnyet" Sm å land has been predicted the future and it is said that the farmers predictIt must take grain to grow into the soil is the number of days only!
the girl who want to know the future will nod 3 times, with curved moon waxing, and read the poem at the address below.
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