To develop confidence in their own child's primary Everyone in society to be successful in the work. Lifestyle and want to accept your counter on their success from others. The demand for these three get enough responses to make them happen, confidence in ourselves which is expressed by the brave figure of philosophy itself. Adaptation to the environment and there is a sense of pride in ourselves. To instill confidence in the people there themselves from primary level. The primary campaign was born of confidence in ourselves comes from the training facilities both at home and school for children who lack confidence in themselves often rely on others are always waiting to get results is not willing to face the problem. Obstacles or difficulties in the future. Confidence in yourself means The personality part of people who think it's a good feeling, their shows into three consists of a powerful, dare yourself. Adaptation to the environment and Pride in self, there are details of each show: 1. dare to be yourself appropriately refers to an action that expressed by speech. The words and tone clearly. Dare to speak in their own thinking/opinions show a brave stance on the discussion in the eyes while speaking and willing to create something new. 2. adaptation to the environment means the action expressed by participating in activities with friends willing to help a friend. Follow the instructions, or agreements, and listen to the opinions of others. 3. pride in yourself to perform at the show by the brave decision. Accept Their action, filmographyGuidelines to promote confidence in the child's own primary. 1. create a democratic atmosphere in a warm family, children, freedom of political thought is the chance. Create a relationship with a friend. There is a recreation of a child between the parents. There are opportunities to exchange opinions. Parents play an important role if you want to be accepted, self respect and confidence in ourselves. Must remember that they must be accepted with respect and trust to the ball first. Sometimes, parents who think that it will do everything possible so that the child is a good person, and criticism, but the child's fault, not confident in ourselves caused suspicion in their ability to feel themselves do not have the ability at any time. 2. the teacher should create an atmosphere that is warm, to help a child feel warm with its eco-friendly baby talk to the baby friendly patient listening to either the intended child. The role of teachers will need to have good attitudes towards ourselves, because the teacher is in a position to encourage children with better attitudes towards ourselves, therefore, fosters faith confident. 3. the teacher should create their own experience by allowing children on your own, or do the activities. Activities with friends until successful. Teachers say the kids feel that teachers believe in the ability of the child to do. Their activity is difficult. 4. the teacher should create an atmosphere that is free, the child feels free to do activities that they were not a mandatory teacher. Children have the opportunity to choose who can decide what they are interested in and see how useful. For him, including the opportunity to make mistakes. 5. teacher creates an atmosphere of acceptance, respect, full and powerful children in children's abilities. In addition, the teacher must also point out that, every person has the ability to be different. 6. the control should be created is to be able to adapt to the environment, as well. Children attend with friends willing to help each other. Follow the instructions, or agreements, and listen to the opinions of others. This atmosphere is not a punishment, but as a practice discipline guidelines. The teacher must clarify the kids understand. Why do this, but why not make this a way of saying it is important to speak with the children. Polite but tough No special rights to some children. The teacher must try to talk to the kids understand that every student. People are vital to all teachers. 7. Select learning management with a variety of techniques to promote self confidence in children. Primary, for example, -Creative drama activities -Experience supporting creative theatrical tales to tell. -Experience supporting hand puppet Angel tales to tell. -Art events in the classroom the parents are involved. -Teacher interaction events -Creative arts activities as a group. -Creative art activities and free play. -Animation activities and equipment -Animated and rhythmic events music Thailand -Learning activities using the source field. -Experimental laboratory experience. -Experience of a fictitious play. -The experience gratified the Thailand การพัฒนาความเชื่อมั่นในตนเองของเด็กปฐมวัยเป็นการส่งเสริมบุคลิกภาพส่วนหนึ่งของบุคคลตั้งแต่ อายุ 2-3 ปีขึ้นไปเพื่อให้เกิดรู้สึกนึกคิดที่ดีต่อตนเองแสดงออกเป็น 3 ด้านประกอบด้วย การกล้าแสดงออก อย่างเป็นตัวของตัวเอง ปรับตัวเข้ากับสิ่งแวดล้อมและความภาคภูมิใจในตนเอง การพัฒนาความเชื่อมั่นใน ตนเองมีความสําคัญต่อเด็กปฐมวัยเพื่อช่วยให้ประสบความสําเร็จทั้งด้านการเรียน การทํางานและการ ดํารงชีวิต สามารถปรับตัวเข้ากับสภาพแวดล้อมหรือเหตุการณ์ต่างๆอย่างมีความสุข มีความมุ่งมั่นตั้งใจ ต้องการเรียนรู้สิ่งใหม่ กล้าเผชิญต่อปัญหาอุปสรรค เด็กอยู่ในบรรยากาศการเลี้ยงดูและการเรียนรู้ที่เป็นมิตร เต็มไปด้วยความรักความอบอุ่น เด็กได้รับการยอมรับในความสามารถจากผู้ใหญ่และบุคคลรอบข้าง สร้าง บรรยากาศในครอบครัวแบบประชาธิปไตย อบอุ่น เด็กมีอิสรภาพทางการคิด มีกิจกรรมสนทนาการระหว่างพ่อ แม่ลูก เปิดโอกาสให้มีการแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็น ควรให้เด็กมีโอกาสปรับตัวเข้าสังคมและควรเลือกจัดการ เรียนรู้ด้วยเทศนิดวิธีที่หลากหลายเพื่อส่งเสริมความเชื่อมั่นในตนเองของเด็กปฐมวัย สิ่งที่ครูควรระวังให้มากๆ คืออย่าดู
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