Khan 5
Khan, means that the category of Mu
Khan 5 (decedent) will mean the dharma as hell 5
all things in the universe. นันต Classified as 3 parts is
1.A part of all objects, including substances; lighting; sound, smell, taste, ความเย็น, heat, light, hardness, laxity. Symptoms of tension movement things blank space, air, earth, water, fire, wind,A beef brain and nerve system; the base mind born symptoms including of place, located off of ready all objects with
.Collectively, the Khan (Khan = division, lieutenant. Mu)
2. Section is a long time ago, and ความคิดทั้งหลาย include called name khan Split type is 4
2.1 perception Khan is a feeling of happiness and physical suffering physical, mental) health joyful (sadness (suffering mental) equanimity or all happy sensation (neutral. Not unhappy)
2.2 promise Khan is memory means know things. Is the section that serves to recognize itself (not the brain tissue, but a section of emotions. Brain tissue are the form of practice. Brain tissue as the office.2.3 สังขารขันธ์ was the mental state that is prepared mind itself, such as the presence of greed, anger and ignorance to eat (state of mind taking things. Out) kindness. Philosophy, meditation, distracted, depression, lethargy, a fine eye.Not ashamed, not afraid, intent on doing things the doubtfulness, confidence ความเย่อหยิ่ง treat, perseverance, joy, the joy of satisfaction. Jealousy, parsimony, faith, consciousness, wisdom, thinking, reflection
.2.4 spirit Khan, or mind, who know all things, recognize feelings
since the 2.1 until the 2.3 and is a recipient of the figure is Khan they know. The recipient know the things that affect the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body itself, including a known recipients of condition of Nirvana with
3.Nirvana is the conditions from the picture name Khan Khan and all. Or state of mind that is delivered from a sense of commitment involved in all things. Include not adhering to nirvana.
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