The history of Easter (History of the Holidays: Easter)
Easter. The holiest day in the Christian calendar. Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. This miracle was nothing to do with rabbits and eggs with turnovers. The answer is hidden in the rituals and traditions are passed on to many generations of people,
as recorded in the New Testament. Jesus and the apostles preach Chancellery (The Apostle) travels to the city of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), to celebrate Passover, the holy festival of the Jews to commemorate the Hebrews were liberated from. slave After dinner ceremony Passover, Jesus was arrested. The date referred to in the present. Good Friday (Good Friday) Jesus died on the cross. But just two days after that. He resurrected
the Jews were the first people to celebrate the resurrection of this. It is expected that it may be part of the Passover festival celebrating the fact that Easter was called Pascha, which comes from the Yiddish word for word in Pasach. Passover
originally Easter is celebrated on the second day following the date of Passover, so it could be any day of the week. But Easter falls on Wednesday. To feel out of sorts, in
the year 325, Emperor Constantine's. (Constantine) Roman The meeting of the Knight Center (The Council of Nicaea) decided that Easter should be on Sunday. This is the day Jesus Christ was resurrected. Easter, which falls on Sunday. It was the first Sunday After the full moon day in the Spring Equinox, which could be any day between March 22 -25 April
in the same period. Christians have traditionally celebrate another monster up first. That is traditionally the candle of Passover (Paschal Candle) which glimpses of it is reminiscent of the resurrection of Jesus. It is like a light that shines out amid the darkness
as Christianity spread throughout Europe. A tradition was based on the belief of the pension gain certain blends with the beliefs of Christianity by the fact that the word Easter (Easter) probably comes from the name of the goddess Estrada (Eastra) goddess of the season. spring and fertility This brings us to the Easter eggs (Easter Egg)
egg is a symbol of the belief in a myth for thousands of years. That Christians embraced the egg as part of the traditional Easter egg yolk in the shell during the 13th century as a symbol of the presence of Christ from the tomb. And eggs dyed red to represent the blood of Christ on the Cross lost
shortly. Easter egg colors has a tradition of its own. And is a favorite tradition is the tradition of rolling Easter eggs E (Egg Rolling) in 1876, Congress prohibit children playing games in areas of the Council President Rutherford Fort. Beat. Hess opened the white House lawn for kids to play together. The traditional White House Easter Egg Roll (The White House Easter Egg Roll) became a tradition that takes place every year
and the Easter bunny jump as part of the festival, however. Rabbit reproductive age as a symbol of the new life of faith, prayer Bougainville for a long time. During the 16th century, parents start telling yourself that. If the kids are good kids The Easter Bunny will spawn turnovers at home. Children had to nest in the house. Rabbit to lure visitors This is why the tradition of the Easter egg hunt (Ester Egg Hunt) and a basket of Easter eggs (Easter Basket)
to help children. Fill a basket full of Easter easier. Electric shocks made chocolate in Europe. In the early 19th century began to produce shock chocolate egg comes out. This dessert is popular all over the world. And people today are spending billions of dollars every year. To buy candy at Easter
, Easter is a day of joy, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Just two years ago, a new tradition. Is appended to many What is the religious tradition And that it is customary for fun. But Easter is also a time when families come together to celebrate the arrival of spring. The new season of life occurs after the cold of winter.
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