1 way. Do pork bacho by boiled water 1 ½ cup in the pot with fire center. It starts to boil, add the minced pork. Pork is cooked and spread not to lump off
2.Boiled rice noodles and bean sprouts in the radiator months with high heat until cooked. Put into a bowl of noodles from that cook water yam by putting it in a bowl of noodles. Then cook the soup with pork salad by bacho into another bowl with handle pork liver, intestine, pig's blood.Adopt, add chili paste, fish sauce, sugar, lemon, followed by a year in roasted peanuts, scoop soup hot. Put. Stir well. Pour into a bowl of noodles. All over Sprinkle the fro positively, coriander and leek, decorated with a lemon cut fraction. Serve hot,
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