Extracurricular activities are activities that faculty / Center for the study of the division of student development, the student management, student council, faculty. / Education Center, or various clubOr course directly. The participants will have the opportunity to get the development of intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and virtue ethics is consistent with the desirable characteristics of graduates 5 reasons. :
.1) knowledge
1.1 knowledge ability in professional disciplines as well. Can be applied in the society
1.2 skills IT to seek more knowledge
1.3. Have the ability to seek their own knowledge, and enthusiasm is always
.2) thinking skills
2.1 self-discipline and beard hospital rules. The regulations of the University and society
2.2 means, value, proud, and aware of their role in conservation. And the transfer of the national culture and local
.3), interpersonal skills and responsibility
3.1 has the responsibility to the family and society. Honesty, reduce selfishness. To avoid the evil, and shame to the offence. Can dominate their stay in the society fully
3.2 know, understand, and responsible for the social problems Consider the benefits involved mainly. To society and self benefit sharing
4). Analysis skills and communication 4
.1 with analytical thinking. Critical thinking in problem solving thinking what to do, what not to do, you know, you say. Know dare to their opinion. Tactical
5) development of virtue and morality 5.1 morality and ethics, professional ethics of hospital in the beard!So, in the activities of the Department of Education Center Division of student development, student organization And the student council to student activities to complete at least 3 categories as follows
1) activities promote ethical
.2) activities in sports entertainment activities 3)
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