The folk songs of Northern Song in fun, such as music, elbow, which is the singing with high and low do was compelled to music SEO is singing interact infrastructure. Joints or drive the song on various occasions, and made ฮ่ำ or words ฮ่ำ.Etc.
.The folk songs of north can be used to sing play every opportunity without limited season or other festivals, which are used to sing to relax mood, and recreation. The singing and melody are gentle sounds leisurely gentle.Including pipes, Seung always, etc. it also can provide the type of folk songs of northern has 3 type is
1. Fiddle music, sing interact with each other by playing flute, and always sung along with
2.Music is the poetry of joints. The singing is like short, the contents of the words, singing is in inside drainage show emotional love, loneliness, the singer only. Single and will use music or not.Joints for lovers know someone in mind. Joints Championships between friends
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