Who has the right to get a gold card, gold card being entitled the Thai nationality people, also have no right to any of the other security provided by the state
1 except.The rights to the social security act, such as employee working in the business with employees since 1 people up, except for the employee with the housework. Hawker stalls, or employee of the individual has no business included
2.The only money welfare decree regarding medical treatment, such as civil servants, employees of the government and family
3.Protege of other health insurance provided by the state, such as the state enterprise employees. Employees or officers in how to use the right of independent health insurance when illness
- illness general
. EmergencyCase accident
* Forwarding to ongoing treatment
1, general illness. He received medical treatment at the primary care unit before every time
2.A desire for rights and show the evidence, including the ID card. Or identity with photographs, which the government pays for (children under the age of 15 years, use a copy of the birth certificate (certificate))
note:The current policy using ID card for universal coverage. Covers an area of over. However, should go into service in the day time or time ที่หน่วย service government set up on emergency
!The diagnosis, emergency, doctors will be determined according to the indications, as follows:
1. Diseases or symptoms of the disease with severe look that may harm the life. Or harm to others
2.A disease or the symptoms of the disease with the violence. It is urgent to maintain
3 disease to surgery, if left to life-threatening
4.? Disease or symptoms of the disease
.The doctor will consider from blood pressure, pulse rate, symptoms of the disease, the diagnosis, the methods of treatment and urgency. In the treatment, and considers the perception of service recipients toward patients with
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