ในเมืองเวโรน่า มีตระกูลขุนนางสองตระกูล: แคปูเล็ด กับ มอนตาคิวสองตระกูล การแปล - ในเมืองเวโรน่า มีตระกูลขุนนางสองตระกูล: แคปูเล็ด กับ มอนตาคิวสองตระกูล อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ในเมืองเวโรน่า มีตระกูลขุนนางสองตระ

ในเมืองเวโรน่า มีตระกูลขุนนางสองตระกูล: แคปูเล็ด กับ มอนตาคิวสองตระกูลนี้ไม่ถูกกันอย่างยิ่งยวดมาตั้งแต่สมัยบรรพบุรุษ
เจอกันเป็นไม่ได้ต้องมีเรื่องแล้วก็มีหนุ่มน้อยนาม โรมิโอ เป็นลูกตระกูลมอนตาคิวแล้ววันหนึ่งเคาน์ทคาปูเล็ตได้จัดงานเต้นรำขึ้นมา โดยเชิญหญิงสาวที่ขึ้นชื่อว่าสวยทุกคนในเมืองมางานใครจะมมาร่วมงานด้วยก็ได้ ยกเว้นคนในตระกูลมอนตาคิว
เลยอยากให้ไปเปิดหูเปิดตาว่าในโลกนี้ก็ยังมีผู้หญิงสวยอีกเยอะแล้วทั้งสามคนก็ไปโดยใส่หน้ากากไปแล้วโรมิโอก็ไปเจ๊อะกับผู้หญิงสวยมากกกกคนนึง แล้วก็ลั่นวาจาเกี้ยวแบบหวานๆแฝงอะไรที่คนมีปัญญาเท่านั้นเข้าใจ= =แล้วนางก็โต้ตอบแต่แล้วทิบอล์ต หลานฝ่ายคาปูเล็ตจำเสียงโรมิโอได้แล้วก็โมโหว่าเป็นมอนตาคิวกล้ามางานนี้ได้ยังไงแต่ท่านเค้าน์ทคาปูเล็ตยกให้เพราะเป็นงานรื่นเริงแล้วโรมิโอก็ทำตัวเยี่ยงสุภาพบุรุษมาตลอด
แล้วงานนั้นก็เลิกไปโรมิโอมารู้ทีหลังว่าผู้หญิงคนที่ตัวเองคุยด้วยรวมทั้งตกหลุมรักเป็นทายาทตระกูลคาปูเล็ตนาม จูเลียต
จูเลียตเองพอมารู้ว่าชายที่ตัวเองคุยด้วยเปนมอนตาคิวก็ตกใจเพราะตัวเองได้หลงรักเข้าแล้ว คืนนั้นไม่มีใครนอนหลับจูเลียตไปรำพึงรำพันอยู่ที่ระเบียงถึงโรมิโอบอกว่าตัวเองหลงรักชายคนนี้เพียงใดโดยที่ไม่รู้เลยว่าเจ้าตัวแอบฟังอยู่แล้วโรมิโอก็ทนไม่ไหวแสดงตัวออกมาโต้ตอบราวกับว่าคำพูดนั้นพูดกับตัวเองแทนที่จะเป็นการรำพึงรำพันคนเดียวแล้วสองคนก็คุยกัน สองคนรักกันแต่สองตระกูลเป็นศัตรูกันแล้วเช้าวันต่อมาก็แต่งงานกันด้วยความร่วมมือของบาทหลวงที่ซี้กับโรมิโอแต่แล้วตอนกลางวันโรมิโอกับเพื่อนๆมีเรื่องกับทิบอล์ตทิบอล์ตฆ่าเพื่อนคนนึงของโรมิโอแล้วโรมิโอก็ฆ่าทิบอล์ตตายโรมิโอโดนสำเร็จโทษให้ออกไปจากเวโรน่าก่อนพระอาทิตย์ขึ้นถ้าถูกเจอหลังจากนั้นจะโดนประหารเพิ่งแต่งงานกันเดี๋ยวนั้นแล้วก็เหมือนจะโดนหย่าเดี๋ยวนั้นคืนนั้นโรมิโอนอนกับจูเลียตแล้วออกจากเมืองตอนรุ่งสางจากนั้นไม่กี่วัน
พ่อจูเลียตก็บังคับให้จูเลียตแต่งงานบาทหลวงช่วยให้จูเลียตไม่ต้องแต่งงานซ้ำซ้อนโดยให้ยานอนหลับไปกินโดยจูเลียตจะถูกพบในห้องเหมือนศพ แต่จะตื่นขึ้นมาในอีก42ชั่วโมงระหว่างนั้นบาทหลวงจะส่งจดหมายบอกให้โรมิโอรู้แผน แล้วมาช่วยจูเลียตจากหลุมตอนที่ยาหมดฤทธิ์โรมิโอตื่นขึ้นมาจากฝันดีที่ว่าตัวเองได้ตายไปแล้ว แล้วจูเลียตก็มาจุมพิตปลุกให้ตื่นจากความตาย
จากนั้นโรมิโอก็กลายเป็นจักรพรรดิ์แล้วอยู่กับจูเลียตอย่างมีความสุขพอตื่นมาก็คิดว่าวันนี้ต้องมีข่าวดีแน่ๆแต่ข่าวดีที่ว่าคือข่าวการตายของจูเลียตโรมิโอใจสลาย โลกนี้ไม่น่าอยู่แล้วหากปราศจากจูเลียตตัวเองซื้อยาพิษจากคนขายยายาจกคนหนึ่งระหว่างทางไปเวโรน่า
จูเลียตตื่นมาเห็นโรมิโอตาย มีขวดยาพิษในมือยังคงงง สับสนแล้วพอรู้ว่าเกิดอะไรขึ้นก็เอามีดของโรมิโอปักท้องตัวเองตายข้างๆชายที่ตนรัก
แล้วคนก็แห่กันมาเพราะได้ยินเสียงทะเลาะกันของโรมิโอกับคู่แต่งงานของจูเลียตที่ชื่อ เคาน์ท ปาริสพอเห็นศพสามคนก็งง
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
In Verona. The two noble families: Caputo Montana slipped on cue, two families were extremely well since his predecessor
.เจอกันเป็นไม่ได้ต้องมีเรื่องแล้วก็มีหนุ่มน้อยนาม โรมิโอ เป็นลูกตระกูลมอนตาคิวแล้ววันหนึ่งเคาน์ทคาปูเล็ตได้จัดงานเต้นรำขึ้นมา I was invited by a woman known to everyone in the city who came to work with.I want to broaden that in this world there are a lot of beautiful women and three men to wear to Romeo was very, very beautiful women J with people. Were spoken concerning what a sweet undertones only the wise understand =.Grandchildren the Capulet recognized Romeo was then heated as Montana queue dare to work for me, but the county in Capulet give it a festive and Romeo makes himself like a gentleman. always
.Then work it up to Romeo later learned that the woman herself, and I fell in love with the heir to the Capulet family, Juliet
.Juliet herself enough to know that the man himself talking as Montana was alarmed because the queue itself has been in love with him.That night no one slept Juliet to bewail the balcony and Romeo says that he fell in love with this man just by the idea that afforded wiretap already Romeo unbearable show itself. to interact as if that statement speaks for itself.Rhetorically rather than only two people talk.Two lovers, but two families are enemies, then the next morning they were married, with the cooperation of the bishops at Sea with Romeo, but then the day Romeo and friends having an affair with gametocytes do the assays mail service. I killed a friend of Romeo and Romeo killed by.Los bots Hill died Romeo being executed away from Verona before sunrise if it is found later to be executed just married on it, then it is like to get a divorce on that night, Romeo sleeping with Julie Lake. The gear is out of town for the next day.From a few days
.Juliet's father was forced to marry Juliet Bishop allows Juliet to marry redundant by giving sleeping pills to eat by Juliet can be found in the body.Juliet of the hole and then helped the drug ineffective Romeo wakes up from a dream that I was dead. Then come kiss Juliet awakened from the dead
.Then Romeo became emperor then Juliet happily enough, I was thinking that this must be good news, certainly, but the good news is that the news of the death of Juliet, Romeo. heart rot.At night, they go to the grave of Juliet, but come to blows with someone who is married to Juliet, who came to visit the grave Juliet two fight and Romeo kills him dead Romeo to come into question. Juliet cooling bed already had intended to bury himself beside grass.Statistics that they love it when it's time to drink poison Juliet wakes from sleep
.Juliet wakes to see Romeo dead. A bottle of poison in his hand still puzzling. Confused, then I realized what was happening, it took the knife of embroidery Romeo himself beside the man they love
.Then people would flock to hear the argument because of the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, the county name in Parisian father saw the bodies of three people I
.The county in two families with enough knowledge about everything from the pastor's suicide note to the parents of Romeo is devastated after the war, and was reconciled with several generations
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
In the city of Verona Noble Lords, two families: the cache queue eyes with urine incontinence for two crab genus Monte was not widely ultra since their ancestors
.See, there's not a need, it is a little boy name Romeo is a family one day, then queue eyes Monte County thakha Pu Tablet has dance party. By inviting the girl beautiful, everyone in the city who will work in conjunction with a SIM. And friends of Romeo name Mercedes Martin o with Ben, Lio Wole Yun, Romeo shared with friends bored Romeo to love women who never interest themselves
.I would like to open one, in this world, it is also a pretty woman like three people by wearing a mask, Romeo, to a pretty woman with choe good editor and then withdraw to flirt (with) the phantom wan what there are people only understand intelligence =. Kids parties-Pu Tablet speech Romeo and then suddenly anger that is willing to come to this job queue eyes ..., but he thakha khao Pu Tablet but, because it is a Carnival, and Romeo, act like a gentleman throughout
.Then it was off to Romeo came to know later that women who themselves talk, including falling in love as their family name Tablet crab prices. Juliet
Julia has enough men to know that automatic classification itself talk panem onta queues, panic itself in love. That night no one sleeping single balcony is to bemoan to Julia rose-let's make out yourself fall in love with this man just do without knowing whether the owner a sneak listen Romeo already was showing patience out of interactions, as if the words speak to themselves.Instead of two people alone to bemoan it talk. Two people love each other, but two families, hostile and early days later, married with the cooperation of the bishops to die with Romeo, and Romeo midday with friends with the story of friend thibo takha tathipa Romeo and Romeo was killed ...Bo tatai Romeo had been successful penalty from Verona and konphra. If it is found after it had been put to death recently married now and then, like a sudden divorce, then return to Don Romeo with Julia has been out of town at dawn.
Ngachak a few days.Julia's father are forced to Julia tataeng Julia Bishop provides a job did not want to marry the hypnotic, redundant to eat by Julia will be found in the same body. Then come help out drugs from the hole Julia milieu Romeo wake up from a dream that that itself is dead, and Julia are coming to kiss wake, woke from the dead
.Romeo then became walking, and then with Julia happy unless I woke up today I thought it must be good news for sure, but the good news is that the news of the death of Julia's video chip overheating taro. At night, they reached the pit of corpses with chae tatae to Julia to marry Julia that visit the hole body Julia totong people Brawl, Romeo, Romeo kills dead layouts to meet the body, lying and tasteless tayen Julia intended to bury themselves beside a.That their love was drinking the poison at the time Julia tatuen from hypnotic
.Julia tatuen comes Romeo saw it die. There is a bottle of poison in the hands still was confused, and I know what happens, removing the belly knife Romeo's own men die beside Beijing, they love
.And then people would come together for the parade because he heard the sound of Romeo's brawl with a pair of Julia that the name. เคาน์ท Spa sapho service saw the bodies of three people had confused
.There are two families of County with enough knowledge about everything from the Bishops of La's parents die, Romeo, regret and restoration after the war with many evil people age
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
There is a noble family in the city เวโร two tribes: Carrot laid out to leak out to Solomon, two queues are not this family importance since the time fathers
There is not a thing to be met, and then there was a young man, whose name was a Roman family, queue, and then one day Solomon Putnam County, cappuccino, a scriptlet is dancing girl was invited by the name, that they are beautiful in the city, who will work, and work with.and then my friends might ask for name, Video news, Cooper, Benjamin, and the volume, video, war, Rome, go to work with my friends bored with Rome, to love the woman that never interested himself
I wanted to go to open one's eyes and ears, in this world, there are also Women's Beauty salon, and the three of them had a lot to put the mask to Rome, then, was to go to the Women's Beauty salon, and Rikki-tikki was snapping, and then spoken to flirt with a sweet alias what a wise man only understand =her nephew, cappuccino, a scriptlet. Remember, you like it, and then it was very angry, for that is a queue, Solomon had come to this, but how do you think on a scriptlet, cappuccino, festivities, and then Rome, because it is, it was like the whole
gentleman.And then it was off to Rome, to know later that the woman had talked with their own, and fell in love with a young family, cappuccino and Julia, a scriptlet name
Julia's own enough to know that the man who had talked with their own eyes shall be Solomon queue was afraid because he had been in love with it.There was no sleep that night and Julia murmured something, go to the balcony to Rome, said that he loved this man did not know that no matter how the person concerned by the eavesdropping is Rome, and then, they couldn't come out, the dialog is not as though she hadn't spoken, he said to himselfInstead of murmured something alone and two of them were talking.Two people who love each other, but two tribes against each other, and then on the following morning he was married with the cooperation of the parsonage to banter with the Rome, but then it was in the middle of Rome, the day of your friends aren't. The อล์ ตทิ บอล์, killed one of his friends, and then request for Romanian flags, Rome, it was killed.of บอล์, collars, with success, to forgive out of เวโร, before sunrise, and if they are found to have been executed after that, just got married, and then it was like I'll be divorced soon, that night Rome, sleeping with Julia, and then went out of the city at dawn,Then a few days
His father was forced to Julia, Julia, Julia, married to a Catholic priest is not to be married to duplicate the sleeping pills to eat, Julia would have been found in the room like bodyand then come and help Julia, from the hole at the end of brass, Rome, wake up from the dream that I had died, and then, and then Julia, he had come to kiss awakened from death
and then Rome, and it became a Emperor, and then on to Julia, I wake up very happy. I thought that this day must surely there is good news, but the good news is that the death of Julia ตโร news, broken heart.At night I went to visit the grave of Julia, but the inspectors looking into the people that will be married to Julia, who came to visit graves, Julia, two men quarrel, and then Rome, he killed him, his eyes, collars, and found Julia, a clammy body lay, and then it was meant to be buried next to her own, Jthe love of his own when he was drinking the poison and Julia, it is time for waking up from sleeping pills
Julia, wake up, and see Rome, died there is poison bottle in his hand was still puzzled, confused, and then I knew what was happening, he took a knife to his own stomach embroidered Romanian flags, oh man dead beside his dear
and then they gather themselves together because they heard quarrelling, it might not, and they were married, the name of Julia Putnam County, spa, when I saw three of them were dead, stunned
There is Putnam County chapter of the two tribes, and as soon as I found a letter to a bishop, and everything from my parents died, I might not, I am sorry for you, and then it was after the war that has to be reconciled for generations
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