Thai culture and customsThe man came to live together as a group, as a society, surely there must be a relationship between the members of the group have control over the person's behaviour, conventions in the group, is in the region to live together with peace. What are the tools to control the behavior of the team, we called "culture", so the cultural sphere garments wrapped body decoration, people will watch watch? Culture is something that must be coupled with people always. "There are cultural meanings covering everything expressing human life in society, a group, or any one of the social community. Humans have created instability in practice. Organizing, as well as the system of beliefs, values, knowledge and technologies to control and take advantage of our nature, "he said."Culture is the progress of a man or a group of ethnic attributes that exist in society, which will not only mean success in the arts or the social manners only. The cultural groups of people, that is, therefore, must be. When there is a difference between each group of people would have cultural differences, I like Chinese peasants with the farmer in the United States as a matter of course there is a difference."Culture is what changes or updates, or the human capacity built to flourish in prosperity and way of life. Culture is the way of life of a human being in that convey it. Learning together. Emulator compatible cultures as a result of that man learned from past ones. Succession as well as cultural tradition, opinions or actions of humans in the same way as a participant and to appear as a language of faith traditions and regulations.The National Heritage Act amendments 2485 Buddhist (vol. 2), Buddhist cultural meaning is 2486., as follows:Culture is the way that represents prosperity flourish. A neat and orderly progress of Nations unite and morality of the people.Culture of behavior style is of a man who is a man's way of life, both personal and social, that there has been a continuous evolution from the scheme, but the man, however, does not have a specific social group is located in the island of ourselves. Have any contact with the social relationships that might exist is closer together, or is confused in the same location or at one of the Nations to fall under the domination of one nation? A man who recognizes the changes improve things, so remove them from the culture that is associated by contact might get more from their own culture directly or navigate to alter, edit, optimized in accordance with the existing cultural conditions.Currently, there is no nation which is truly pure cultures, but they are based on cultural knowledge. Social experience inherited from the society, especially the cultural and other sources into mix, mingle and Thai culture, with such guidelines. The importance of culture. Culture is an important matter in a nation which was devoid of life, its own culture and nation, it is probably a nation is not. Seamless national culture even as they conquer in war, but in the end, it will be to win in the culture, which is considered to be the fallen and entirely. This is because those who fallen in that culture are not realizing that they had fallen like them a tad that China Hong Qing and conquer the loop rule China, but in the end, it was the Chinese who have higher cultural blend into the Chinese forces. Therefore, I conclude that culture is as important as follows:Culture is what point shows a difference of individuals. Team or community.That is what makes its different from animals.Help us to understand things that we see Translation of the meaning of what we see depends on the culture of ethnic groups which live and learn culture, such as island Samoa sees the Moon, there is a woman is weaving. Nationals of Australia big cat eyes are looking for prey. Rupkratai like to see Thai people4 factors determining culture, such as apparel, food, housing, treatment of disease.Culture determines the display of emotional feelings and temper like Thai men will not let the tears flow in front of the public, when regret.Determines some of the action in the community that are appropriate or not, some action in one society is acknowledged appropriately, but not as accepted in one society.You will see that the author of the culture of human and social development is occurring because human culture with the social partners, as well as social, cultural and individual, there shall, if the society is large or contains much complexity. Cultural diversity is often more simply the various cultures which each society may be identical or different because of the differences in faith. Race Religion and local address, etc.Characteristics of cultureIn order to understand the meaning of the word "culture" is so deeply describes the characteristics of a culture which may split the description as follows:Culture is the behaviour resulting from learning. Man differs from animals in that ideas are recognized. Have to learn to organize life, growing rather happy to know comfort solutions, which differ from the animals learn by necessity only.Culture is the heritage of the society because it is a live learning. From generation one to generation one, both directly and indirectly, by lack of time and humans use language to convey culture and language, it is a symbol that is used to convey cultural and walls.Culture is a way of life, of human life and action plan human born in any society are learned and absorbed the culture of lining their social lives. Therefore, Culture in each of the different socialCulture is not constant. Humans have invented something new invention and improvement of the original to suit the changing situation to the suitability and integrity. Survival of society such as contemporary Thai society construction
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