The whale, or sometimes called the talk that a whale (English: Whale) is a large mammals live, but only in the sea or ocean. An animal that looks like a fish, is a slender shape, long fin and the tail of a fish. But the whale's tail, the horizontal, not vertical like a fish. The whale is not a fish but a mammal 1 [] with the bands. In Cetacea (Cetacea).The ancestors of whales is a carnivore on the eccentric 4 legs in the Paleogene. When about 65 million years ago. "" then it is called ultrasonic started life as an evolution of amphibians within just 10 million years later in the Eocene epoch. Or about 55 million years ago. The amphibians and hind legs will gradually shrink and smaller until later, when about 24-26 million years. Before the bones and joints will shrink and appeared to be seen. But at present, the bone of the leg after it still exists as a small internal organs. And serves only as adhesion genitalia.A whale is a large animal. The large animal in the world. Despite the living, but only in the sea, shaped like a fish, but not fish with a mammals milk. Although there is no body like a hairy mammals top the other but whales will keep warm in the body fat in the subcutaneous layer.
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