There is, in general, the inhabitants of the glory is often a skin color is quite dark, but it is not black is not very much a white man was tall and thin and small for a gentle man
mysterious life of ... mark of glory, with 2 fish, which, against ...and tied together with the line
... there is a world of objects and awareness means to ... which is both a sense of limited scope ... and find out what the inhabitants of the glory is not ... it is always like attention do not enjoy ... It is a geographic subjects Prof..and the subject of the mystery ... or research data collection, the inhabitants of the glory, there is always a way to shake up the nimble Ajarn into categories that are still quite ปฎิภาณ wit will have a very good man, but he was a weak Ajarn.This means that the weak in the mind is not mandatory Ajarn if he was born of the need to do anything, even if it is not valid ... But, for the comfort of their own ... it will make it go down to the intention to ...
One of the inhabitants of the other habits of glory, it is people like Ajarn store things. Ajarn is not to be asked, they would not Ajarn
if he saw one of them demanded that he saw that he had done what no Ajarn dash to wait until it is damaged, then ...he said, Why not consult with him
then made the first ... if he asked, but Ajarn damage, probably did not occur ... it has been a good and bad effect
... The good thing is, not to overlap of AjarnCons: if it's a common interest ... it would be a precious stone DAMAGE TO ... because that is not the complaint Ajarn despite the fact that he knew that he was already ...
the inhabitants of the glory, there is a 2. What is in the way of his life ... He was sometimes strong ... sometimes Ajarn does not believe in the
confused myself all mixed up ... it is something that other people will understand. He can be very difficult ...the inhabitants of the glory always like this ... there is nothing in the store
mind was absorbed in thinking about it, that it is only one ... until some time to be alone to cry secretly ... without anyone know ...In this glory of the inhabitants of the complaisant lover and sacrificed everything to their loved ones, but the love of praise ... and often don't last long ... as it should be ...which are the result of his own mind to be a little like the fish in a hallmark of the inhabitants of the glory ...
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