Introduction to
.The condition of the waste in the class found do not rely on desire reasons students lack of discipline in practice properly and orderly, resulting in a waste quantity and condition inside the room I and one secondary Dr. Wait. 5 / 5 missions 2.The very dirty, full of trash!Candy bag water bottle, milk cartons, and many others. The students of irresponsible, and lack of attention!To maintain cleanliness in the classroom. Therefore making this research is aimed to give students discipline. With the characteristics of practice together are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness.The students were 5 / 5 50 a operator solution. The instrument used was the observation, record, data collection, data analysis using the method of action research by
.Skills training, purifies conduct follow-up, divide the work responsibility. And instill a love clean
5.1 operation research population and sample
.Students at 5 / 5 missions 2 secure King
the Sri ครินท RA nursing academic year 2557 number 50 people
5.2 tool used in the research
.The test question behavior on garbage disposal of grade 5 / 5 missions 2 in
king holds while srinagarindra. Academic research method 5.3 2557
. The population and sample.The construction and the quality of the data collection, data analysis, a
5.4 the
. Analysis of percentage and average
. Discussion and conclusionFrom a study of waste of grade 5 / 5 missions. 2
secure srinagarindra, which were 50 people can conclude the popular table
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