Cobra snake is venomous. Grooves and holes through the back exit of the venom of poisonous fangs. Poisonous fangs not large, which is sealed tight to the jaw could not move. Also poisonous fangs and claws may reserve adjacent to each other, 1-2, in the lower jaw and no teeth. In addition, some species can even poison from the venom glands, also known as "spitting cobra", which is sprayed into the eye. Will cause blindness
cobra snake that is poisonous medium. When fully grown, the size of about one meter distribution throughout the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia and Africa. Can adapt to various environments as well as on the evergreen desert plains and high mountains. As well as in urban
cobra species with spawning. By snakes and brood mares will defend until hatching. In this period there will be fierce than usual. Cobra eggs at a time until the 10 to 30 snake eggs and hatching rates as high as 80-90 percent.
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